Global Perspectives on Spectrum Sharing - 
A WInnForum Sponsored Event

hosted by Shure at The Rose Shure Experience Centre, London

Thursday 31st Oct to Friday 1st Nov 2024


provisional and may be subject to change

Day 1:                 31st October - Views from Regulators

12:00 – 12:30:      Registration & welcome refreshments

12.30 – 13.10:      Keynote Spectrum perspectives from the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games Agence Nationale Des Fréquences (ANFR France) - Emmanuel Faussurier

John Dundas, Specialist, Radio Spectrum and Mega Events

13.10 – 13.30:      Keynote The US National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) - Charles Cooper, Associate Administrator, Office of Spectrum Management

13.30 – 14.00:      Keynote WInnForum Update – Lee Pucker, CEO of WInnForum

14.00 – 14.30       Keynote & Demo Shure – Tuomo George-Tolonen, Sr. Director, Global Market Development

14.30 - 15.00:       LUNCH PROVIDED BY SHURE

15.00 - 17.00:       Regulatory Panel Discussion

Charles Cooper (NTIA), Cristina Data (Ofcom), Emmanuel Faussurier (ANFR), UK DSIT tbc, BNetzA tbc

Panel discussion and Q&A will follow brief presentations from expert panel on a range of spectrum sharing-related topics, including:

  • Future of 470-694 MHz band;
  • Spectrum lessons from the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games;
  • Approaches and evolution of spectrum sharing frameworks (e.g., 3.8 – 4.2 GHz band);
  • Hybrid sharing in the Upper 6 GHz band;
  • Sharing in 7/8 GHz



Day 2:                 1st November - Views from Industry

08.30 – 09.10:      Welcome and refreshments from Shure

09.10 – 09.30:      Keynote – British Entertainment Industry Radio Group (BEIRG) – Duncan Bell

09.30 – 09.50:      Keynote – “CBRS in numbers” – Pierre-Jean Muller, CEO, RED Technologies

09.50 – 10.20:      Keynote – Mobile Data Consumption – Richard Haas, PolicyTracker

10.20 – 10.40:      BREAK

10.40 – 12.40:      Industry Panel Discussion

Nada Abdelhafez (Shure), Pierre-Jean Muller (RED Technologies), Ulrich Rehfuess (Nokia), Reza Karimi (Huawei), Simon Eley and Robert Webber (BBC), Gökhan Tok (Access Partnership), Manuel Marti (LS Telcom), HPE tbc.

Panel discussion and Q&A will follow brief presentations from expert panel on a range of spectrum sharing-related topics, including:

  • 470-694 MHz;
  • 6 GHz;
  • Evolution of the CBRS framework;
  • The 7-8 GHz bands (WRC-27 AI 1.7);
  • 6G and spectrum sharing “by design”

12.40 – 12.45:      Closing remarks