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Global Perspectives on Spectrum Sharing

In this episode, I'm talking with Prakash Moorut, Regulatory Advisor of the  Forum about the upcoming webinar on Global Perspectives on Spectrum Sharing, hosted by his organization Shure.


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HDSS TG with Andrew Clegg

In this episode, I'm talking with Andrew Clegg of Google, chair of the  Forum's new Highly Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Task Group to explain how the group started and where it's going.


0:41  A bit of background on the group and how it fits into the National Spectrum Strategy, including its applicability the 3.1 GHz band.
2:00 The main goal of the group and how the WInnForum fits in to the NSS, using the CBRS and 6 GHz bands as a basis.
3:30 The two stages of the group's scope.
4:15 Some deadlines and date goals with some name drops of stakeholders.
5:10 Who needs to get involved beyond the Forum members: all the stakeholders taking place in the sharing. Sounds like you or your organization? How do you want to employ in this band?
8:30 How you can get involved.

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2023 in Review with Lee Pucker

In this episode, we are reflecting on the work of Forum members in 2023 with CEO Lee Pucker and taking a peek at projects on the horizon.


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6 GHz Update with Mark Gibson

In this episode, we are getting an update on the 6 GHz ecosystem with Forum President and Chair Mark Gibson. Mark serves also serves as Chair of the 6 GHz Committee.


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2022 in Review with Lee Pucker

In this episode, we are talking with Forum CEO Lee Pucker about all things WInnForum in 2022. 

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New Tech Talk Series with Andy Clegg

In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Andy Clegg of Google about a new webinar series called Tech Talks that highlight truly exciting and ground-breaking advances in wireless communications.


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Forum launches exciting new European project with ETSI

In this episode, we are talking with the Forum's Chief Regulatory Officer Prakash Moorut of Shure, about an exciting new International project for the Forum on Automated and Dynamic Spectrum Access for Scalable and On-Demand Private Networks.

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A Look Back at 2021 and a Look Forward into 2022

Today I'm talking to WInnForum CEO Lee Pucker, taking a look back at a few of the Forum's 2021 Highlights and looking forward into what our members are working on in 2022.


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WInnComm 2021: Day Two Special Edition

Hello and welcome to Setting the Standard, the podcast about wireless radio standards creation from the Wireless Innovation Forum. Today we have a special episode outlining the Day two of the Forum's virtual summit WInnComm 2021, featuring a keynote by Martha Suarez of the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, Forum Project Updates with President John Glossner and sessions on 6 GHz Commercialization and Protection of Passive Services in Radio Spectrum.


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Reviving The Forum's Regulatory Advisory Committee

In this episode, I'm talking with the Forum's Chief Regulatory Officer Prakash Moorut, Senior Director of Spectrum & Regulatory Affairs for Shure, about the our Regulatory Advisory Committee. The group had been inactive for a time and Prakash revived it to tackle a variety of spectrum related topics with representatives from around the globe.


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TR-1014 6 GHz foundational document

In this episode, we are talking with Navin Hatharimani of Nokia, about the Forum's 6 GHz Operational and Functional Requirements document, TR-1014, which sets the stage for operations in the band. 

For more information on the Forum's 6 GHz Committee: 

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Spring 2021 Committee Update

Today I'm talking with WInnForum CEO, Lee Pucker who provides an update on the Forum's four Committees' projects and a window into a few projects on the horizon.


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TR-1008 and the FCC's ULS Database

Today I'm talking with Peter Young, one of the main contributors to the Forum's newly released Incumbent Fixed Service Data Report (TR-1008), which provides information on general data quality issues with the Universal Licensing System or ULS, and identifies some of the missing data that will be pertinent to future discussion on automated Frequency Coordination system implementation.

You can download TR-1008 here:

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6 GHz Band with Mark Gibson

Today I'm talking with CommScope's Mark Gibson, who chairs the Forum's 6 GHz Committee. Recently a larger 6 GHz Multistakeholder group has been formed as well, combining the Forum's membership horsepower with the WiFi Alliance and broader industry stakeholders to tackle an aggressive timeline to operations in the band. Today, Mark will explain the background and get into how the groups work together.

00.45 How and why did Forum get involved in the 6GHz band
01.38 Creation of the WInnForum's charter
02:09 What is the difference between the WInnForum's 6 GHz Committee and the Industry 6 GHz Multistakeholder Group anyway?
03:13 The Forum's first document for the Committee and the resulting timeline for the  Committee, including resulting FCC filings
03:59 A bit about the Forum's different sub-committees
04:44 Now more on the 6 GHz Multistakeholder Group
05:29 A relationships forms with the WiFi Alliance
05:54 More on the establishment of the MSG and its workstreams
08:00 What is the timeline moving forward? Will we be able to have an AFC certified by the holiday 2021 goal?
09:23 What has to happen for us to meet that goal?
10:19 How can stakeholders get involved?
13:26 A bit on the meeting cadence

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Top Ten Most Wanted Wireless Innovations

Today I'm talking with Forum President and Chair, John Glossner and our Chief Technical Officer, Andy Clegg. John is the  CEO of Optimum Semiconductor Technologies and President of the Heterogeneous System Architecture Foundation. Andy is Spectrum Engineering Lead for Google and was previously program director for spectrum management at the U.S. National Science Foundation. Both are involved in the Forum's Advanced Technologies Committee, which heads the Forum's decade old Top Ten Most Wanted Wireless Innovations project, and often serves as the seed of many Forum projects.


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What is Lean Standards Development

How does the Forum develop its standards to efficiently?

Join us for a 10 minute conversation with WInnForum CEO, Lee Pucker, on what makes the Forum so nimble in standards creation: our Lean Standards Development Model.

Skip to the timestamps below if you're in a rush:
0:26 - What is the Lean Standards Development Model and how is it the most efficient path to commercial

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