Dr. David Murotake - 2006 SDR Forum Contributor Award
For the last three years, Dr. Murotake has been Chair of the SDR Forum Markets Committee.
He has acted as an ambassador for the Forum in outside activities, and as a motivator and developer of concepts within the Forum. He actively encouraged liaison activities with OMG, DySPAN, and other organizations.
Dr. Murotake has also been responsible for enlarging the scope of the Markets Committee. He has suggested the annual Yearbook and Vendor Directory, the expansion of the Forum’s awards program, expanded the role of the public relations support, encouraged outreach and member-oriented activities along with the development of the Market Reports series.
Dr. Murotake has encouraged formation of Special interest Groups under the auspices of the Markets Committee and actively participated in their meetings where appropriate. These SIGS, in particular the Public Safety SIG, have addressed heretofore under-represented member constituencies and domains leading to a renewed outside interest in SDR Forum activities and products.
He is conscientious in attendance at Board meetings and he makes useful comments and suggestions regarding Forum activities. Not only does he keep his finger on the pulse of the industry, but his contributions have made the Forum’s relevance to its members more robust and valuable. He has encouraged and mentored new members, and his vision and energy have led the Forum in a direction that will fulfill the vision of SDR Forum activity across a broad set of domains.
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